
WGHthemovie.ca- April’s Story

This video is part of April’s storyline from the Documentary ‘With Glowing Heart’.  Myself and Producer Jon Ornoy, from Animal Mother Films, have been working since Feb. 2009 documenting April’s and three other stories about how people in Vancouver are being effected by the coming Olympics.

Here we follow April Smith on her journey building AHA Media as the preeminent social media source for Vancouver’s  Downtown Eastside.  Along the way April faces many challenges including homelessness.

We began shooting with the Sony HVX 200 and you can see at the end of the video we began using the Canon 5D Mark II which really contributes to the dynamics of the story.

Always a challenge in documentary filmmaking is resources, so I have well over 50 people to thank so far for their support!  Everyone that has touched this film has been so supportive.  Thank you so much and May 2010 be a Gold Medal year for all!  I invite you to check out the website wghthemovie.ca.

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