Jesus de Montreal

What better post than a little tribute and thx to my favorite filmmaker Denys Arcand. Bonne St. Jean!! I like Denys work, especialy the collective characters and the human spirit behind his stories.  Never having met him, I once read that he quit making movies for a year because he was tired of the politics …

WGH- in production.

This project, myself and Producer Jon Ornoy began shooting on February 8th 2009.  What you see was shot on the Panasonic HVX 200 or what I refer to as the P2, at 720/24PN. Thanks Vince!

Hockey, Love It!!

There are many reasons to love this game.  Here is one of mine.  For $2:50 an hr. my 1st job was as at an outdoor rink.  I was 13.  What excitement!! I got to play hockey all day, all nite.  When the fun was over we would flood the ice with an old rubber fire …

Coffee Break

it’s been a very long coffee break but before we get to the RED…enjoy this.  It was shot on the Sanyo Xacti HD Camera.  Neat little device with easy workflow.  Still some limitations.  I couldn’t find a way to check manual settings other than playback but I am happy with the results and will use …